Ομάδα Μελέτης: Βασίλης Παπακωνσταντίνου, Ρίτα Τζέλιου
Διεθνής Διαγωνισμός
Nikola-Lenivets, Kaluga region, Russia
Πύργος Παρατήρησης
The unique Nature of the site is full of potential poetic. This steel skeleton renders that poetic, renders what is always there, the essence of the place. The installation, a lightweight steel structure, consists of two kinds of frame ,a basic skeleton of very thin steel columns and a secondary «cloud frame» formed of cubic components optimizing the strength of the structure. As a result we have a kind of translucent element constantly changing along with the atmosphere, or perhaps some kind of matter trying to dissolve or concentrate in a context. To reach the observation deck the visitor has to follow a spiral-like route of ramps and stairs as he becomes a part of the environment. The whole procedure is like a ritual culminating in a convergence of man and place on the observation deck as the whole landscape reveals.
Φορέας: Archstoyanie Festival, Nikola-Lenivets