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Ομάδα Μελέτη: Βασίλης Παπακωνσταντίνου, Δημήτρης Γουρδούκης

Διεθνής Διαγωνισμός
Άμστερνταμ, Ολλανδία
Πεζογέφυρα με cafe και χώρο επισκευής ποδηλάτων
200 m2 (δεν συμπεριλαμβάνεται η πεζογέφυρα)

reciprocal frame
the initial principal for the design of the bridge is based on a class of self-supporting structures made of 3 or more beam elements. Such a design requires no center supports and forms a central plateau for various uses at the beam convergence area.

structural principal
3 main steel beams leaning on each other, with no other connection needed, span at a 90m long distance. The use of the appropriate elastomeric bearings and stoppers at the beam intersections is necessary to prevent the frame from any sliding effects. In order for the bridge to maintain its lightness and a certain transparency, the main structure design is translated into a more complex formation. A composite steel element is formed, consisting of a rectangular solid beam section and a triangle-like element pattern – “soft framework”- with various dimensions.

The wide area defined through the beam intersections makes possible the inclusion of a variety of spaces, activities and uses.

As opposed to a rigid, top-down approach there is a mixed method of designing the bridge structure. The idea of the reciprocity of the main beams along with the evolution of a “soft framework”, ( based on a triangle-like element pattern controlled parametrically), produces a structure which is more loosely defined, reducing constraints and resulting in a series of variant ways to finalise the design.

Client: AC-CA